3 Stars with Nethers

Town Hall 8

Overview of TH8

Welcome to Town Hall 8, where you finally have a full choice of elixir troops and are introduced to many other types of attacks. The Golem, Wizard, Pekka (GoWiPe) combination is the most common of attacks, but it is also what many of us call a two-star attack. At TH8 you are really only looking at two different attacks, either air or ground.

Possible 3-Star Attacks

If you go air, you are using the same Mass-Drag attack from TH7 with different spells. If you go ground, you are using predominant Hog attacks. The choice between these two attacks depends on the war base layout.

To perform a solid drag attack, TH8 players need to fill troop capacities with all dragons, request max balloons in the clan castle and bring two lightning spells, one rage spell and one earthquake dark spell. For a hog attack, people have different preferences on compositions, but there is no right answer. You want to bring at least 20 hogs and 10 wizards and make sure to request max hogs for the clan castle. As far as spells, you should bring three heal spells. Two example TH8's are below.

Example TH8
An example of a TH8 base that is best for a hog attack.

In the base above, a hog attack would be ideal because there is no space for a double giant bomb (a hog's worst nightmare). While setting up your attack, you want to split your hogs on each side of the base. Wait 20 seconds and unload your clan castle hogs. If you trigger a giant bomb, be sure to drop a heal spell ASAP! Behind the hogs, send in your wizards to clean up the non-defense structures. If all goes well, this should be an easy three stars.

Second Example TH8
An example of a TH8 base that is best for a dragon attack.

If you go with a drag attack on this base, choose which air defense to target and use your two lightning spells and the earthquake spell. After taking out the air defense, summon your dragons in the funnel fashion from TH7 and attack on the side so the funnel focuses on the two remaining air defenses.

Just like TH7, the toughest part about the attack is waiting for the two dragons to begin what is called a funnel. Dragons will always target the next closest structure and can get messy if a proper funnel is not created.